Council Minutes 2010-2011

Council Minutes 2010-2011 (.pdf)

Meeting dates:
June 27, 2011
June 6, 2011
June 6, 2011
May 31, 2011
May 17, 2011
May 2, 2011
April 4, 2011
March 7, 2011
January 17, 2011
December 6, 2010
November 15, 2010
November 1, 2010
October 4, 2010
September 20, 2010
August 16, 2010
August 2, 2010
July 19, 2010


Minutes of the special Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, June 27, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  None


All people present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to approve the agenda with the addition of J: Sale of Firearms.

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke


Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented, which includes the City Council Meeting Schedule for 2011-2012, the cancellation of the regular meeting in July, and to cast a ballot for the candidates on the Michigan Municipal League Worker Compensation Fund Board of Trustees.

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Boggs supported to award the bid for ferric chloride to PVS Technologies in the amount of $430.00 per dry ton.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Brands supported to award the bid for two new V type snow plows to Monroe Truck Equipment, Flint, Michigan for $10,494.00.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to renew the bio solids removal bid with Synagro Central, LLC for $0.0349 per gallon hauled, with the fuel surcharge, as presented, based on the actual cost of diesel fuel.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, McDonough supported to approve the payment of the invoice for membership renewal in the Michigan Municipal League at a cost of $3,127.00.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, VanRiper supported to approve the contract for Assessor of Record Services with HSC Services, Inc.  in the amount of $1,800.00 per month from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NASY:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Brands supported to approve the purchase of 13 protective fire helmets from TheFireStore in the amount of $4,130.65.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Boggs moved, Brands supported to approve the emergency purchase and installation of two air conditioning wall units at City Hall to Lamphere Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $4,530.90.

YEAS:  VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to approve the amendments to the 2010-11 City of Durand budget, as recommended by the City Treasurer.

YEAS: Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to authorize the Administration to sell excess firearms, contingent on Federal and State Law, through the sealed bid process.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke


Fire Chief:  The Bike-n for Burns event didn’t go very well, due to bad weather.  However, the Safety Day at Graff Chevrolet went very well.  All money donated will go towards the purchase of thermal imaging cameras.  

C2AE Engineer: She stated that the Contractor was in the City today producing a pre-construction video.  A pre-construction is scheduled for tomorrow.  Councilman Canute asked engineer to provide him and the Council with the costs for the boulevard to be constructed on Saginaw Street.

Police Chief:  Continues to work on the recent vandalism, received another tip this evening.

Treasurer:  She said that she missed Sandy.  Tax bills are being folded and stuffed today.  She thanked Jeff Brands for the hours that he has spent volunteering to make the city beautiful.

City Manager:  She stated that the publicity for the Saginaw Street Ground Breaking ceremony was wonderful in the Independent.  She went on to say that a woman in Flint found one of the gift certificates from IMN Antiques and was thrilled.  Construction could possibly begin by the end of the week.


Boggs: asked if a date had been determined for the Rural Development workshop.  City Manager said sometime in late July.

McDonough: Asked if the weeds on City property in the downtown area and the Diamond District Park could be sprayed.  He asked to have a schedule for when the separation project for John and Perry Streets will be completed.  He would also like to get an update on the flooding problem on Russell Street.

Canute:  He stated that the house across from 309 Fitch Street needs to be taken care of.  The weeds, which the homeowner calls “wild flowers”, are four feet tall.  Something needs to be done.  Chief  Folaron said he will take care of it.

Schuyler:  He stated that the water main break on Lovejoy and Fitch Streets is still leaking.  City Manager is aware of situation and has talked with Water Department.

VanRiper:  He said that the traffic circle and the landscaping in front of Sycamore House look really nice.  City Manager said that she has received positive comments from some of those residents that were initially opposed to the improvements around Sycamore House.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.



Minutes of the regular Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  None


All people present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda as presented.


McDonough moved, Brands supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 2, 2011, the budget workshop held on May 17, 2011, and the minutes of special meetings held on May 23, 2011 and May 31, 2011.

Unanimously carried.


Schuyler moved, Canute supported to approve the payment of bills #39529-39618.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.


Harold Fremd, 104 Russell Street. Mr. Fremd expressed his concerns with the water issue on Russell Street.  Water is still coming into the basement of his home and two others in the area. DPW Director stated that he and Maureen Wegener, Engineer with C2AE have been to the Russell Street area and have attempted to determine the cause of the problem.  DPW Director assured Mr. Fremd and the Council that they are still investigating the problem and have not given up.

Craig Patterson, with the WODA Group.  Mr. Patterson presented the 2011 Governor’s Award for Historical Preservation of Sycamore House to Mayor Deborah Doyle who accepted it on behalf of the City Council.  Mr. Patterson said that this project could not have happened without the help and support of the City of Durand’s Administrative staff and the City Council.


Schuyler moved, VanRiper supported to award the bid for 5 LED light fixtures for the City Hall parking lot to Medler Electric in the amount of $3,957.00. 

Schuyler rescinded the motion.  Council asked Administration to go out for bids for Sternberg Lights for the parking lot of City Hall.

McDonough moved, Brands supported to authorize the DPW Director to list the two retired Chevrolet pick-ups on EBay, as outlined in the request.

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to declare the outstanding utility accounts as uncollectible and order the Treasurer to place the debts on the 2011 summer tax roll.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

VanRiper moved, McDonough supported to declare the outstanding invoices due to the city as uncollectible and authorize the Treasurer to place the debts on the 2011 summer tax roll.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Boggs resolves, McDonough supported to approve the rate increase for the Water and Sewer Funds with the increase of $.05 per 1,000 gallon usage fee, as presented.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to approve the invoice from Perrin Construction in the amount of $3,457.00 for emergency services and equipment for a sewer main repair on E. Monroe Road.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Discussion:  Grass/Weed/Snow Removal Services and Invoicing:  Councilman Schuyler stated that he asked for this topic to be included on the agenda so that he could get clarification of the procedure that the City uses in determining at what point a property is mowed/shoveled and the homeowner invoiced.  City Manager provided copies of both ordinances to the Council.


No one spoke


DPW Director:  The Grid Auger at the WWTP is up and running, “Great job by the WWTP”.  He reminded the Council that hydrant flushing starts tonight, and brush pickup starts tomorrow.

Police Chief:  Reported that the department has a couple of leads on the vandalism that took place over the Memorial Day weekend. 

Engineer C2AE:  Ms. Wegener stated that C2AE won the $5,000 prize from a raffle ticket purchased from the Durand Chamber of Commerce’s annual fundraiser.  C2AE will be donating that money back to the Chamber for a banner that will be placed over Saginaw Street during construction and to complete a couple of projects at the Chamber offices.  Ms. Wegener gave the Council an update on the Rural Development grant.  This grant will address the City’s infrastructure problems, especially in the southwest area of the city.  This grant will be submitted by the end of June.

City Attorney:  He congratulated Craig Patterson and the City Council on receiving the 2011 Governor’s Award for Sycamore House. He stated that by working together “we now have gem in our community”.


City Manager:  She congratulated Craig Patterson and the City Council on receiving the distinguished 2011 Governor’s award.  She stated that it was nice of C2AE to make a wonderful donation to the Chamber for the purchase of a banner that will hang over Saginaw Street during the construction.  As of now, June 14th will be the date of the ground breaking ceremony for the Saginaw Street project.  She told the Council that Parks and Recreation recently held a registration for the summer youth program and signed up just under 30 children.


Brands:  Congratulations to Craig Patterson.  He thanked the Council for approving the Streetscape project, “it will be a wonderful thing for our community”.

Boggs:  Congratulations to Craig Patterson, but our “Administration worked hard behind the scenes and they need to be recognized also”.

McDonough:  Thanked the DPW for getting on the lawn mowing.

Canute:  Thanks to Steve and Chief Folaron for getting on the lawn mowing.  Congratulations to Craig Patterson.

Schuyler:  He stated that once the Streetscape project starts it will be a wonderful improvement to our community and the residents will like it.  Councilman Schuyler wanted the audience to know that the City of Durand made an attempt to meet with Vernon Township and as of today, they have not responded.

VanRiper:  Congratulations to WODA.  He went on to say that he attended school in that building and did not want to see it deteriorate.  He feels that it’s a wonderful project.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.




The minutes of the special meeting of the Durand City Council, held on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 5:07p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  None

Purpose of workshop is to review and approve the entire streetscape project that is scheduled to start June 13, 2011.

Arnold Weinfeld with MML, presented a power point presentation on “Creating Prosperous Places”. He stated that people want to live where they have:

•           Accessibility – Ability to easily circulate within public places

•           Activities – Stumbling into fun

•           Comfort – Perceptions about safety, cleanliness, character & charm

•           Sociability – Creating a physical fabric where people can connect with one another

He said that every community has a story to tell. It’s important to leverage these attributes.  Collaboration and networking is essential.

Maureen Wegener, Engineer with C2AE recapped how this project started in 2005/2006.  She said that bids were opened on May 6, 2011, the bid came in $150,000 less than what was expected.  

Ms. Wegener briefly went over the construction timeline.  The construction would start with the demolition of the 100 and 200 blocks of Saginaw Street.  New curb, gutter and base work would be completed first and then the west side work would start.  Traffic flow will not be changed and the street width will be maintained.  Contractor is expected to get all three blocks completed by Labor Day, no work will be done after August 25th to get ready for “End of Summer Crusin”. 

Ms. Wegener explained the purpose of curb extensions are to slow traffic for safety,  provide a safer way for pedestrians to cross the street and they slow traffic so that people can view the features of the city and the businesses. 

Councilman Canute asked how the DPW were going to plow snow around the boulevard in the

300 block of Saginaw Street.  City Manager stated that they are “investigating a new way to plow using the new smaller trucks and blades, to do a better job with snow removal”.

Nick Lomako with WadeTrim talked about the importance of streetscape improvements.  He reviewed several handouts, one that stated “Streetscape can have a significant effect on how people perceive and interact with their community.  If streetscapes are safe and inviting to pedestrians, people are more likely to walk which can help reduce automobile traffic, improve public health, stimulate local economic activity, and attract residents and visitors to a community”.

Boggs moved, Brands supported to approve the project as presented.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  Canute

Carried 6-1


Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting on 7:02 p.m.



Minutes of the special meeting of the Durand City Council held on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

Absent:  Schuyler, VanRiper


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


Mayor Doyle opened the Public Hearing at 7:03 p.m.

Paula Brooks, 104 Summit Street. She asked for clarification on total amount of millage for 2011-2012 budget year.  City Manager explained that the Ambulance millage cannot be included in this total until it has gone before the public for a vote.  Therefore the current millage reflects a 0.3 mill decrease from the 2010-2011 budget year.

Mayor Doyle closed the Public Hearing at 7:09 p.m.


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the 2011-2012 Budget, as presented.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


Boggs:  He asked if Maureen from C2AE was going to give the Council an update on the Rural Development Grant.  CM said that Maureen will be at next Council meeting with an update.

McDonough:  He stated that he is receiving many complaints that residents are not mowing their lawns.  He would like to see this situation taken care of ASAP.  DPW Supervisor said that he is meeting with the contractor on Wednesday, June 01, 2011.  The City Manager will provide the Council with an update on Friday.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m.



Minutes of the special meeting of the Durand City Council held on Monday, May 23, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, Schuyler

Absent:  McDonough, VanRiper


Brands moved, Boggs supported to approve the agenda as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


Boggs moved and Brands supported to approve the first reading of the 2011-2012 budget and set the Public Hearing for May 31, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

Unanimously Carried.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m.


Minutes of the Budget Workshop of the Durand City Council held on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 in the Council Chambers of Durand City Hall.


Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  None


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the agenda as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


Schuyler moved, Canute supported to approve the maintenance of CP100 Operational Interface Terminal in an amount of $10,070.00 to Commerce Controls Inc.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Presentation of the 2011-2012 City of Durand Budget:

Revenues, which support the functions of the General Fund, are provided mostly by millage, which the City levies annually at budget hearings during the regular meetings in May.  As reported throughout the State of Michigan, plummeting property values have crippled local government operations, and the decline has struck homes here in Durand.    Tax revenues will drop by $57,525.00 in the 2011-2012 budget. 

In fiscal year 2011-2012 state shared revenue will be slashed to those municipalities receiving statutory funding.  The Governor’s plan does include the ability to “win” back up to 60% of the amount that has been eliminated.  Durand’s statutory revenue share in 2010-2011 was $185,000.  We have aggressively budgeted to claim the entire 60% which is $110,000, (loss of $75,000) a huge blow to the city’s revenue stream.  Constitutional revenue sharing will also incur a financial blow due to the 12.5% population loss that Durand experienced, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Had our population remained constant, Durand would have received $262,000 in constitutional revenue sharing, but that will decrease by 16% ($42,000) for $220,000.  This is a total loss of $174,525.00.

The City Manager highlighted the proposed changes (if any) in each of the following:

Major/Local/Street Funds

Ambulance Fund

Building Inspector Fund

Debt Retirement Funds

DDA Fund


Water Fund

Refuse Fund

Equipment Revolving Fund

Fringe Benefit Fund

Sidewalk Fund

General Fund Revenues & Expenditures

Legislative Department

City Manager Department

Elections Department

Assessor Department

City Clerk Department

City Treasurer Department

Police Department

Fire Department

Director of Public Works

Department of Public Works

Parks and Recreation Department

Planning Department



There were none.


There were none.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m.



Minutes of the regular Durand City Council meeting held on Monday May 2, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  None


All people present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda with the addition of J: Rental Inspection Ordinance, 1st Reading.

Unanimously carried.


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 4, 2011, as presented.

Unanimously carried.


McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to approve the payment of bills # 39442-39528.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.


Cliff Semple, 406 Hampton Drive.  Voiced his displeasure with receiving an invoice for snow removal.

Francis “Bud” Kashubosky, 404 Hampton Drive.  Voiced his displeasure with receiving an invoice for snow removal.

Bob Strachan, 610 Vinewood Street.  He stated that all sidewalks should be shoveled in case of an emergency. If someone needed a lift assist or if a home was on fire, it would be necessary to have the sidewalks shoveled.

Jim Springs, 511 Genesee Street.  He presented Mayor Doyle with 150+ signatures from people (both residents and visitors) wanting the removal of the traffic circle located in front of Sycamore House.  He stated that he is not in favor of the proposed curb extensions or the boulevard on Saginaw Street.

Harold Fremd, 104 Russell Street.  He stated that since the major street project has been completed on Russell Street that his basement, along with other neighbors, have been flooding.  He believes that the construction has diverted the water into the basements of residents along that street.  He is asking that this situation is thoroughly investigated and resolved. 

Ed Hatherill, 220 N. Saginaw Street.  Owner of BP gas station.  He made the suggestion of putting in more drains along Saginaw Street to help with the snow melt.  He also asked that the proposed curb extensions be taken out of the plans, especially the ones on the North end of Saginaw, near his business.  He believes that the tankers delivering fuel to his business will not be able to make the turns without coming over the curb or sidewalk, causing damage.

Jessica Hilewsky, 705 E. Princeton Drive.  She addressed the street conditions around her neighborhood.  She would like to see them improved, and “not just with a patch job” of putting loose asphalt in the pot holes.

Paula Brooks, 104 W. Summit Street.  She asked when the sidewalks need to be shoveled following a snow fall.  DPW Supervisor stated that we give the residents at least 2-3 days before a contractor is sent to the home to shovel the snow.


VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to award the bid for lawncare to C.M. Warner for a two year contract in the amount of $650.00 per mow, and for any necessary sidewalk snow and ice control at $20.00 per hour, as outlined in the bid document.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to award the bid for a new computer server, CALS and Microsoft Office 2010 from Yeo and Yeo Computer Consultants in the amount of $11,695.00.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to award the bid for computer workstations at City Hall to ByteSpeed Computers in the amount of $11,385.00 and for two workstations at the WWTP in the amount of $1,518.00 for a total of $12, 903.00.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

VanRiper moved, McDonough supported to award the bid for display monitors and laptops at City Hall to Dell Computers in the amount of $4,475.68 and two display monitors for the WWTP in the amount of $325.76 for a total of $5,127.20. 

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

McDonough moved, Canute supported to renew the existing bid with Michigan Pavement Markings for street markings in an amount not to exceed $9,500.00.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Canute moved, Schuyler supported to hire Joshua Roddy to serve as the Summer Parks and Recreation Director for summer part activities in 2011.

YEAS:  VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler,

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

McDonough moved, Brands supported to authorize Stine Turf and Snow to reconstruct the softball fields at Optimist Park in an amount not to exceed $4,500.00. 

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, Brands supported to approve the contracts with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of N. Saginaw Street and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contracts.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

McDonough moved, Canute supported to approve proposal from BS&A Software to upgrade all existing software programs to .Net format at a cost not to exceed $14,090.00 to be paid over 2 fiscal years – 1st payment of $7045.00 paid this 2010-2011 fiscal year and 2nd payment of $7045.00 paid next fiscal year of 2011-2012 with no interest charges.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Schuyler moved, VanRiper supported to approve the ballot proposal language to subsidize ambulance service within the city and place the proposal on the August Primary ballot.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Public Hearing and Adoption:  Amendment of Tattoo Establishments Ordinance

Mayor Doyle opened the Public Hearing at 8:56 p.m.


Brian McKay, 411 N. Saginaw Street spoke on behalf of Chris Hornus, Tattoo Artist that is planning to open a shop on Saginaw Street.

Mayor Doyle closed the Public Hearing at 8:59 p.m.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to amend the Durand City Code with regards to Tattoo Establishments, as presented in full ordinance format.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, Brands supported to move the ordinance of Rental Inspection to first reading.

Unanimously carried.


Chris Hornus, 103 N. Saginaw Street.  Thanked the Council and administration for their hard work on amending the Tattoo Establishment Ordinance.  He invited everyone to stop by and see the new place when it’s open.


DPW Supervisor:  On the 29th of April the City had overflow discharged into the Holly drain, about 40,000 gallons.  He asked the Council to take a look at the light that is in front of City Hall tonight, we have it on a trial basis.

Fire Chief:  He reported that the Emergency Management Plan should be completed by July 2011.  This is an enhancement of the old plan.  On Railroad Days weekend the Fire Department will be hosting a Bik-n for Burns fundraiser to purchase a thermo imaging camera.  May 9th will be an all day training with the CN Railroad.

City Attorney:  Thanked the citizens for coming out this evening. 


Brands:  Congratulations to Chris Hornus.

Boggs:  He asked if the proposed Budget Hearing dates were confirmed.  Schuyler and VanRiper cannot make the proposed May 31st day, and asked if it could be changed to Thursday, May 26th.

McDonough:  He thanked the residents for coming out tonight.  “It’s the first time in a long time that this many people have been in the audience”. 

Canute:  He thanked the Chief of Police and the City Manager for helping him on February 25th, “their help that day probably saved my life”.

Schuyler:  He thanked people for coming tonight, “don’t let this be the last time you come.  We need your thoughts and feelings”. 

VanRiper:  He asked that the City Manager get an estimate on the cost of taking out the traffic circle on Sycamore Street.  He also said that there are abandoned vehicles at 407 Marquette Street.

Mayor Doyle:  Thanked people for coming tonight.  She addressed the issue of parking cars in front yards.  Police Chief said that he couldn’t find that in the ordinance, both the City Attorney and Building Official told him to look in the Zoning Ordinance.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.




Minutes of the regular Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, April 4, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:   None


All people present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda as presented.

Unanimously carried.


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 7, 2011, as presented.

Unanimously carried.


VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to approve the payment of bills #39229-39441.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.


Attorney Jim Smith, Oliver Street, Owosso   He is representing Louise Hubbard, 209 Atwater Street, regarding her high usage water bill.  He was present tonight to ask the Council to reduce his client’s bill and to accept a onetime payment of $470.79 to clear the account.  Council took no action.


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the consent agenda, including the approval of National Day of Prayer at City Hall on May 5th and the approval of 2011 Railroad Days activities.

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to table the bid award for lawn care until the next meeting.

Unanimously carried.



VanRiper moved, Brands supported to approve the request to contract with Wade-Trim to provide Design Standards for the Downtown Development Authority District and that the City contribute 25%, or $2,987,50 towards the cost, with the understanding the Downtown Development Authority will contribute the remaining 75%.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

McDonough moved, VanRiper supported to approve the list of unpaid utility bills as delinquent in preparation for the summer tax collection.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the service agreement with Mobile Medical Response for three years beginning May 1, 2011.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the preparation of ballot language for the purpose of attaining 1 mil for ambulance services for three years.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously carried.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the first reading of the amendment to the Tattoo Establishments Ordinance.

Unanimously carried.

City Manager presented a DRAFT copy of the annual City of Durand budget.  Budget workshops will be set up as soon as possible to provide solid recommendations for the 2011-2012 General Fund budget.


Paula Brooks, 104 W. Summit Street.  She questioned Kent Edwards with Railroad Days Committee, about having the helicopter rides in the same area as some of the other activities.  Mr. Edwards responded that one of the reasons that the RR Days Committee hires this particular pilot is for his safety record. He will not fly if all safety conditions are not met. 

Chris Hornus, 1146 E. Lennon Rd.  He introduced himself as the owner of the Tattoo parlor that is proposed to be located next to the Acker Insurance Agency.  He told the Council that he plans to have a safe and inviting shop that would include a monthly art gallery opening for Durand High School art students and would be open to local artists during the summer months. 



DPW Supervisor:  He stated that late last month the City took delivery of the new trucks for both DPW and Wastewater.  He stated that the streets around Sycamore House should have the base coat applied and the project should be completed by the end of May.  The DPW Supervisor also said that the Saginaw Street Project bids are to be opened on May 6th and the project should be started by the 1st of June.

Chief Folaron:  He stated that he recently attended the Michigan Chiefs Conference and last week went to the New Chiefs Police Training.  He said that he “learned a lot”.

Treasurer:  Will be attending the Capital Conference Tuesday and Wednesday.

City Attorney:  Will be attending the Capital Conference.

City Manager:  She stated that the I-69/M-71 bridge closure will take place on April 18th.  There will be five other bridges in our area that will be out periodically throughout the summer.  The City of Durand is conducting a Parks and Recreation Survey that you may participate in.  It is available on the web and also in the lobby of City Hall.  City Manager stated that she will be attending the Capital Conference Tuesday and Wednesday with the hopes to learn more about revenue sharing.


Brands:  He stated that a house on Lovejoy Street needs to be checked for blight.  Chief Folaron said that he would take care of it.

McDonough:  He asked the DPW Supervisor when the storm headers on Perry Street will be picked up.  DPW Supervisor said that they will be picked up this summer.  McDonough stated that during the last snow storm the former Pawn shop on Main Street didn’t clear the snow from in front of the business.  McDonough received complaints from residents and the business next door to the pawn shop. 

VanRiper:  He said that he thinks that April’s brush pickup should be cancelled and be replaced with a pickup in May.  He said that the weather is not cooperating for people to get out and start working on their lawns.  City Manager said that the City will do a pick up before Railroad Days, it will be posted in the newsletter.  VanRiper told the DPW that 403 Marquette Street still needs to be cleaned up from the tree that was cut down late last fall.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m.








Minutes of the Durand City Council regular meeting held on Monday, January 17, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  None


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, VanRiper supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 6, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to approve the payment of bills #38971-39158.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough (abstain from #39142), Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke.


Ronald Reid, OPEB Account Manager for Burnham and Flower briefly explained that GASB 45 is the governmental accounting standard that requires the City to account for healthcare benefits in which the City of Durand provides to its retirees.  He presented each council member with a copy of the report.

Canute moved, McDonough supported to accept the Accounting Report and the Valuation for Other Post Retirement Benefits prepared by Burnham and Flower and place it on file with the Treasurer for future use in financial planning.

Unanimously Carried.

Paul Bailey with Stewart, Beauvais and Whipple presented the council with the 2009-2010 audit.  He stated that the City received an Unqualified Opinion and is in excellent financial condition.

Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to accept the 2009-2010 City of Durand audit, as presented, and place it on file with the Treasurer.

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Brands supported to approve Traffic Control Order #180 establishing a permanent No Parking Zone on the south side of Washtenaw Street.



McDonough moved, Brands supported to amend the motion to add “Monday through Saturday” at the end.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Brands moved, VanRiper supported to approve to spend $4,000.00 towards replacement of the flat roof on the north end of the Memorial Library building.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, McDonough supported to approve $2,390.80 as matching funds for the FY-07 Public Safety Interoperable Communications Grant to provide 800 megahertz radios for the Fire Department.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke


Treasurer:  She stated that the Auditors are looking for a similar size city to use as a model in regards to charging administrative fees to other department. 

City Manager:  Since the train derailment on January 6th, the City Manager, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Building Inspector and DPW Supervisor have met on three separate occasions to update and revise the emergency procedures that were developed in the early 1980’s.  We continue to work on these and should have them completed by March or April.  City Manager stated that she was happy with the auditor’s report and she is very pleased with our Administrative staff, “we have a really good team”.


Brands:  Congratulations to Mike Fuja who was named Chairman of the Shiawassee County Commission.  Brands thanked Steve Mince for helping with the Christmas decorations in the downtown area. 

Boggs:  Congratulations to the Administrative staff of another great year. He said that the staff is doing a wonderful job with less.  The Fire Department did a nice job mobilizing for the train derailment.

McDonough:  He asked the City Manager if the city would be billing the railroad for expenses resulting from the train derailment.  City Manager said that we would be billing for expenses incurred.

Canute:  Good job with the audit and Fire Department.  Congratulations to Mike Fuja.

VanRiper:  He stated that he would like to form a committee to work with Vernon Township. 

VanRiper moved, Boggs supported to form a committee to work with Vernon Township Officials in discussing the needs and concerns of both the City and the Township and to develop a plan for a mutually beneficial agreement to address the possibilities of future growth and revenue sharing.

Unanimously Carried.

Mayor Doyle asked who would be willing to serve on this committee along with the City Manager and the City Attorney.  VanRiper and Boggs both volunteered to participate.

Mayor Doyle:  Great job on the audit. She stated that it’s a big deal to receive an Unqualified Opinion.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:43 p.m.




Minutes of the Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, VanRiper

Absent:  Schuyler (excused)


Canute moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda with the addition of Item E:  Appointment of Dennis Rainwater to the Board of Review.

Unanimously Carried.


Canute moved, McDonough supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 1, 2010 and the special meeting held on November 15, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the payment of bills #38820-38970. 

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough (abstain from #’s 38894, 38908), VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


Mike Douglass, 500 Cambridge Dr.  He stated that he believes in annexation and would like the Council to establish a committee to research the feasibility of selling water to Vernon Township.

Cloyse Lundie, Newburg Rd.  He told the Council that “The City looks beautiful”.  He went on to say that he moved here in 1966 and the City has never looked this good for the Christmas season.

Jack Swick, 7746 S. Reed Rd.  He would like to see an Ordinance established requiring all cats to be kept indoors.


McDonough moved, Canute supported to award the bid for sand to Fuoss Gravel in the amount of $5.75 per ton, and award the bid for limestone to Constine, Inc. in the amount of $15.25 per ton. 

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Boggs moved, McDonough supported to direct the City Treasurer to place the assessments and delinquent invoices on the winter tax bill for collection.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


VanRiper moved, Brands supported to approve Traffic Control Order #179 establishing a permanent “No Parking Zone” on the south side of Sycamore Street between Gratiot and Washtenaw Streets.

Councilman Brands asked that the city look at establishing a “No Parking Zone” on the south side of Washtenaw Street between Shiawassee and Saginaw Streets.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, Canute supported to approve the emergency water valve replacement on Gratiot Street for $2,800.00 to Water Tap-City Services.

YEAS:  McDonough, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, VanRiper supported to appoint Dennis Rainwater to the Board of Review.

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke


DPW Supervisor:  The final paving for the Streets Project 2010 will be finished in the spring.  Leaf pick-up should be complete by the end of this week.  Next year, leaf pick-up will start later in the fall due to the fact that many of the Ash trees that would normally lose their leaves early have died due to the Ash borer.

Chief of Police:  He stated that his officers recently completed firearms training.  The department has started enforcing the winter on-street parking policy.  Councilman Canute asked if there was a problem with “U” turns on Saginaw Street.  Chief Folaron stated that complaints have decreased.

Commissioner Fuja:  He thanked the City Manager for allowing him to hold the County’s budget meeting at City Hall.

Fire Chief:  The Old Newsboys will be hitting the streets in an effort to collect money to buy presents for under privileged children in the area on Friday, December 10th.  The Fire Department supports them by providing hot coffee to the men throughout the day.

City Attorney:  Wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

City Manager:  She stated that the presentation of Commissioner Fuja’s budget meeting was very informative and thinks that “what they are going through now, the cities will be going through within two to three years”.  She said that the City has never looked better and she thanked Jeff Brands who organized the task of putting lights in the downtown.  The Santa project was truly a community effort.  She also told the Council that the City employees are sponsoring three children for Toys for Local Children.  She is proud that the employees are involved in the community.


Brands:  He thanked John Matajewski, Amy and Rich Folaron for helping decorate the downtown.  He said that next year will be even better!

Boggs:  He said that the downtown looks very ‘magical” this year, a very nice Christmas atmosphere.  Referring to what Mr. Douglass said tonight, Councilman Boggs stated that “we do have to look at land use for the future”.  Merry Christmas.

McDonough:  Thanks to Jeff for the lights.  He said that he is hearing comments regarding the round-a-bout in front of Sycamore House.  50% of comments are positive and 50% are not.  He asked Commissioner Fuja what the City was going to do when we got stray animals if the County Animal Shelter closes.  Fuja said that they are trying to work out a plan with the local Humane Society.  Amy will do some research on this and get back with the Council.

Canute:  He stated that a church in Flint mounted a camera on top of its building that can be monitored from someone’s home computer.  It costs about $3,000.00 and wondered if this could be researched as a possible option for our parks.  He also stated that in regards to working with Vernon Township, a committee did meet with Bert DeClerg but did not get positive feedback from the Township.  He said that if we do decide to work with the Township, we have to protect the City.  The City Attorney said that the Council needs to remember that the citizens of Durand have built and paid for the water and sewer systems.  City Attorney stated that we went through two years of negotiations and came up with a good solution only to be turned down by the Township.   Councilman Canute wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

VanRiper:  He said that he has been out of town for the past 17 days and when he got back, the city looked great.  He suggested that the Independent run an article reminding residents that they need an on-street parking permit to park on city streets between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from December 1, 2010 through April 1, 2011.  He wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.




Minutes of the Special meeting of the Durand City Council held on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler

Absent:  VanRiper


Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the transfer of ownership of 2010 Class C licensed business with Dance-Entertainment Permit, located at 111-113 N. Saginaw Street, Durand, MI from Kane’s Club Car to Bittner Enterprises.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Public Hearing and Final Approval of Russell Street Special Assessment District

Mayor Doyle opened the Public Hearing at 7:10 p.m.

Richard Ochampaugh, 210 Russell Street asked if the cost was to be paid in one lump sum or spread over several years.  City Manager explained that payment can be made in one payment if paid by November 19, or it can be paid through the winter tax roll over the next five consecutive years.

Mayor Doyle closed the Public Hearing at 7:11 p.m.

Schuyler moved, Canute supported to approve the final costs of the Russell Street Special Assessment District and direct the City Treasurer to place those amounts owed on the winter tax roll for collection for the next five consecutive years.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Brands supported to approve the traffic Control Order #177 establishing a permanent No Parking Zone for the south 50 feet of Russell Street including the T turn around.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, Boggs, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Canute supported to approve the Traffic Control Order #178 establishing a permanent restriction of commercial vehicles with wheel length over thirty-five (35) feet or a per axle weight over 18,000 pounds on all local streets within the city, plus East Genesee Street from Mackinaw Street to Obert Street.  This order is not to restrict emergency vehicles, or delivery vehicles for residential delivery.

City Manager explained that residents have complained of very large trucks that are unable to maneuver in residential neighborhoods without running over curbs, gutters and causing damage to the yards.  She further explained that the local streets are not constructed to withstand large, heavy vehicles and if the City allows them to continue to damage the streets, we will be faced with the cost of replacing/repairing them.

The City Manager spoke with the supervisor of ACT 51 of the legislative department who is allowing the designation of this area to be a no truck area.

Councilman Canute asked how the weight restrictions would be enforced.  City Manager said that Shiawassee County Road Commission has offered the use of their scales at the request of the DPW Supervisor of the Chief of Police.

Councilman Brands asked how this would affect Perrin’s Construction.  He said they drive very heavy gravel train type equipment on Main and Oak Street and into their driveway off Lovejoy Street.  City Manager said that Main and Oak streets are major streets and are constructed to accommodate those types of vehicles.  Councilman Brands said that these trucks are leaving black marks and are causing damage to at least the intersections of Oak and Main Streets.  Councilman Brands said that establishing this traffic order is a good first step.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


Treasurer:  Winter tax bills will be mailed the last day of this month.

City Manager:  She reminded the Council that Wednesday evening the Durand Memorial Library will be hosting an Open House from 6-7 p.m.   She also stated that volunteers are needed to help hang Christmas lights throughout the city.   If you would like to help, meet Councilman Brands along with the National Honors Society from the Durand High School, at the Clock Tower at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday.


Brands:  He commented that “Jon Michaels new paint job looks great”.  Congratulations to Kelly French on her new store location.

Boggs:  He stated that he liked the new Police Chief’s uniform.

Canute:  He asked if leaf pickup was done for the year.  He said that there are piles of leaves along Fitch Street to Monroe Street.  City Manager said that the DPW are still picking up leaves and will continue through mid December as long as the weather cooperates.  Councilman Canute also asked if the police could remove the “For Sale” signs that are placed in the right-of-way along Saginaw Street.

Schuyler:  He is concerned about leaf pick up also.  City Manager said that she would put an update regarding leaf pick up in her Friday Update.





Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.




Minutes of the Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, November 1, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  Boggs, McDonough


VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to approve the agenda, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 4, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


VanRiper moved, Canute supported to approve the payment of bills #38714-38819.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke


Schuyler moved, Canute supported to approve the Consent Agenda including the approval of Election Inspectors for the November 2nd election and the Proclamation of Recommendation for Sagelink Credit Union.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, Brands supported to award the bid to purchase a grit washer to T.H. Eifert in the amount of $22,000.00.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, Schuyler, VanRiper, Brands, Canute

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Schuyler moved, VanRiper supported to approve the City Manager’s Report of actual construction costs of curb and gutter on Russell Street which is necessary to assess property owners their share of the project; and to set a public hearing to assess such costs for Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Councilman Boggs arrived at 7:40 p.m.


VanRiper moved, Brands supported to approve the estimated engineering and construction costs for walkability on Sycamore Street in an amount not to exceed $13,500.00.

YEAS:  VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, Schuyler

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Boggs moved, Schuyler supported to approve the contract amendment with C2AE for Professional Services on the 2010 Streets Rehabilitation-Construction Phase Services in the amount of $33,000.00.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, Brands supported to approve the contract amendment with FJ New for additional work performed on the Mixing Zone Study for the Waste Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $2,957.50.

YEAS: Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


John Matajewski, 708 Kingswood   He asked the City Manager if she realized that the Public Hearing regarding assessments for Russell Street is scheduled for the opening day of deer season.  The City Manager stated that she did not see this as an issue since this is the second meeting for these individuals and they were also sent letters informing them of this information.


DPW Supervisor:  The new street project around Sycamore House is underway and is now in the process of doing the sub-grade.  Currently the DPW is working in the Northeast section of the city collecting leaves.  They will be moving to the Southwest section shortly.

Chief of Police: Recently many of our officers went to firearms training and interview classes.  Luke Rogers has been hired as a part-time officer.  Officer Rogers is a firearms instructor which will be a good addition to our department.  Halloween was quiet.

Mike Fuja, County Commissioner:  He reported that the dilapidated house on North Oak Street that the Council asked Mr. Fuja to check into, has been sold and is scheduled to be remodeled.

City Manager:  She stated that the auditors were here in October for three days and it was the cleanest, shortest time spent with auditors.  She is very happy with our staff.  City Manager reported on the Chamber of Commerce Breakfast held last Thursday.  She feels that the City represented its self very well and sent a message of reassurance to the business community.  City Manager reminded the Council that Mike Tanner’s retirement party is Friday.  She also reported that Rotary, the City, Durand Union Station, Chamber of Commerce and Durand Schools are all working together to bring Santa to Durand on the day after Thanksgiving. 


Brands:  Congratulations to Lisa and her staff on the audit.  Nice job to Steve for the video that he posted on the Durand website regarding the street project.

Brian Boggs:  Congratulations to the City Manager for her State of the City address at the Chamber breakfast which included a street update.

Cameron Canute:  Glad to see that the port-a-johns have been removed from the Durand Union Station.

Schuyler:  Thanks to everyone for a good audit and State of the City Address.

Mayor Doyle:  Great job on the audit and the State of the City Address.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m.




Minutes of the Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, October 4, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, VanRiper

Absent:  Schuyler


Canute moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 20, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, VanRiper supported to approve the payment of bills #38673-38713.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough (abstain from # 38682), VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


Mike Douglass 500 Cambridge, He is concerned about the disrepair of the city streets.  He wonders why some streets last much longer than others and what can be done to make all the streets have a longer life span.


Mayor Doyle presented Leonard Corwin and Ed Hatherill with “Shining Star” plaques in appreciation of power washing and reroofing the gazebo at Trumble Park.

Boggs moved, VanRiper supported to approve the three (3) year contract between the City of Durand and the Teamsters State, County and Municipal Workers Local #214 Part-time Police and Sergeants as presented.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Canute supported to confirm the City Manager’s appointment of Richard Folaron as City of Durand Chief of Police.

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

City Clerk swore in Richard Folaron as City of Durand Chief of Police.


No one spoke.



DPW Supervisor:  The Russell and Main Street project is in a holding pattern until the railroad completes their project.  The new turn lane on Oak Street seems to be working well.  The last brush pickup for this year starts tomorrow, October 5, 2010.  The Street Project around Sycamore House is still expected to begin this fall.  There will be a pre-schedule meeting for this project on Friday. 

Chief of Police:  The basement has been cleaned and organized and soon we will start on the evidence room.

Treasurer:  The City audit began today and is expected to take four or five days to complete.

City Manager:  October 28th is the State of the City breakfast at Sagelink

                          November 11th is the Durand Union Station fundraiser


Brands:  Thank you to Leonard Corwin and Ed Hatherill.  Congratulations to Chief Folaron.

Boggs:  Thank you to Leonard and Ed.  Congratulations to Chief Folaron.

McDonough:  Thank you to Leonard and Ed. Congratulations to Chief Folaron.

Canute:  Thank you to Leonard and Ed.  Congratulations to Chief Folaron.

VanRiper:  Thanks to Leonard and Ed.  Congratulations to Chief Folaron.  VanRiper asked the City Manager if there is any money left from the Street Millage for this year.  City Manager said that it is difficult to say because all of the bids for the Sycamore Street project aren’t in yet and won’t be until January/February.  VanRiper suggested that maybe the engineers can determine why the streets are eroding. 

Mayor Doyle:  Congratulations Rich! Thank you to Ed and Leonard.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.




Minutes of the Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, September 20, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  None


Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on August 16, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


VanRiper moved, McDonough supported to approve the payment of bills #38555-38672.

YEAS:  Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough (abstain from #38598, #38660), Schuyler, VanRiper


NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke.


McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to designate the Mayor as the voting delegate and the City Manager as the alternate to represent the City of Durand at the Michigan Municipal League’s Annual Business Meeting.

Unanimously Carried.

Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to award the bid for roof restoration on the WWTP building to Spartan Roofing Company in the amount of $16,500.00

YEAS:  Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to purchase two 2011 Ford F-250 trucks for the Department of Public Works and the WWTP.

YEAS:  McDonough, VanRiper

NAYS:  Mayor Doyle, Schuyler, Boggs, Brands, Canute

Failed 5-2



Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to not award the contract for the paving of Sycamore, Washtenaw, Gratiot, Pine and Montcalm streets at this time and that we authorize the City Manager to approve the contract once the grant agreement is signed by all parties, the CBDG grant agreement is signed and the City has received an environmental release of funds letter.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, VanRiper supported to waive the requirements of a non-conforming lot due to a particular size per Section 1405 of the City of Durand Zoning Ordinance to develop Veteran’s Park on the vacant lot located at 509 N. Saginaw Street.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, Canute supported to approve the permanent traffic control order #176.

YEAS:  VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Canute, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


Paula Brooks, 104 Summit Street.  Ms. Brooks asked if the proposed turn lane on Oak Street will be repainted.  Mayor Doyle said that it would be repainted and signs posted.


DPW Supervisor:  The last brush pickup for the year will start October 5, 2010.  Hydrant flushing started tonight, should be done by Thursday or Friday.  Russell Street is almost complete, still waiting for CN to start work on the railroad crossing.  The most recent date for construction to begin on that crossing is September 27th and is scheduled to be completely closed for two weeks.

Senior officer in Charge, Falaron:  Durand Police Officer David Foutch, ran the Torch Run for Special Olympics last Friday, running a total of 10 miles.

Treasurer:  The audit starts September 27th and is expected to last 4-5 days.

City Attorney:  He stated that it is a pleasure to see Cameron Canute here tonight.

City Manager:  She introduced Jacob Raliegh who is the intern from U of M who is working on the Parks and Recreation’s five year plan update. On September 2nd the City of Durand participated in a bus tour sponsored by SEDP for site selectors.  They toured Owosso, Corunna, Durand and Perry.  Site selectors were impressed with how well these communities worked together as a team to promote Shiawassee County and each other.  The City Manager also stated that the new healthcare plan has been implemented and seems to be working well.


McDonough:  He stated that this past Saturday he received phone calls that a truck and trailer was hauling black dirt from behind the WWTP.  McDonough wanted to know if that person was charged for the dirt.  McDonough informed DPW Supervisor that the street light is out at the corner of Manfred and Perry Streets.

Canute:  He asked if the City would be sending out leaf brochures again this year.  DPW Supervisor said that no leaf brochures were going to be mailed, but information regarding leaf pickup would be published in the October newsletter.

Schuyler:  He stated that residents are reporting hearing shot gun blasts on South Side.  Residents have requested that the police patrol that area more during night time hours.  Senior Officer Falaron said that he would take care of the situation. 

VanRiper:  Thanked Amy again for mending relations with Sagelink.

Mayor Doyle: Kudos to the Fire Department for the training they did with Simplicity.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.




Minutes of the Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, August 16, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  Canute


Schuyler moved, Boggs supported to approve the agenda with the deletion of Item D.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 2, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the payment of bills #38469-38554.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS: None

Unanimously Carried.


Mike Douglass, 500 Cambridge.  Mr. Douglass asked the Council to consider putting the basketball lights at Trumble Park on a timer. 


Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the following citizens to the City of Durand’s boards and commissions, as presented, to serve for the term as outlined by the Mayor:

Planning Commission:

Mike Downer – Re-appointment

Barry Gross – Re-appointment

Jeff Brands – Council Representative

Karen Stinger – New Term

Zoning Board of Appeals:

Denny Stokes – Re-appointment

Tom VanRiper – Council Representative

Brian Marcotte – New Term



Downtown Development Authority:

Sue Hatherill – Re-appointment

Betty Fuller- Re-appointment

Bill Johnson – New Term

Brad Thorsby – New Term

Dawn Caldwell – Resident Representative – New Term

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the purchase of replacement parts for street sweeper from Bell Equipment in the amount of $1,715.54.

YEAS:  Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Public Hearing: CDBG Grant Application: N. Saginaw Streetscape

Mayor Doyle opened the Hearing at 7:41 p.m.

City Manager gave a brief explanation of the history and the scope of project.

There were four people in the audience.  Mike Douglass, 500 Cambridge offered his congratulations to the City Manager for her hard work and tenacity in obtaining the grants for this project.  He said that it wasn’t going to be an easy project, but it is necessary.

Mayor Doyle closed the hearing at 7:45 p.m.


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the resolution to submit the Michigan CDBG application for the 2010 Streets Rehabilitation and Saginaw Street Roadway and Streetscape Improvements and authorize the City Manager/Clerk to execute the application and related grant forms on behalf of the City of Durand.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Brands moved, VanRiper supported to contract with WALC for $5,000.00 to review and revise the existing streetscape plans to include walkability and landscape enhancements.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, Boggs supported to approve the three (3) year contract between the City of Durand and the Teamsters State, County and Municipal Workers Local #214 Fulltime Police and Sergeants, including the following financial considerations: 6% employee contribution for healthcare, 5% contribution for MERS, 0% salary increase for 2010-11, provide 3% educational incentive to those members possessing An Associate’s Degree and 5% to those with a Bachelor’s Degree, as presented.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Boggs moved, Schuyler supported to approve the contract amendment between the City of Durand and Teamsters State, County and Municipal Employees Local #214 – Labor, as follows: Effective 9-1-2010 implementing McLaren Health Plan to all members, Effective 7-1-2010 all members shall receive a 1% increase in wages, Effective through the 2010-2011 contract year, the City of Durand agrees to no displacement of any union members by lay-off due to financial constraints.

YEAS:  VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler,

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke.


DPW Supervisor:  Tree trimming starts next week, sidewalk program is underway.  Update on Russell Street; continue to work on the underground and are wrapping up storm sewer.

Police Officer in Charge:  He contacted an evidence room designer who has agreed to donate two days to the Durand Police Department to help with the re-organization of the evidence room.

City Attorney:  Glad to hear about evidence room.

City Manager:  She stated that she and the City Attorney met with MMR regarding the on-going  negotiations.  They visited MML’s state of the art facility in Saginaw.

Administrative Assistant:  Stated that she was able to join Dan Burden on his walkability tour of Durand.  She said that she was excited to hear him and see the suggestions he has for our city.


Brands:  He asked if something can be done with the weeds at Durand Feed and Grain.  There are also weeds along the sidewalk near there that need to come down.  Mr. Brands stated that he found the walkability study very interesting.

Boggs:  He stated that he also participated in the walkability study and would like to see some of the ordinances changed to support Dan Burden’s recommendations.  He also asked DPW Supervisor the status on the streetlight.  DPW Supervisor said that he had contacted Consumers Energy, all paperwork has been submitted and he is waiting to hear from them.

McDonough:  He asked when MMR will be moving into the old DVA building.  City Manager stated that she expects them to be in the building in a week or two.  Mr. McDonough also said that the asphalt contractors, Black Jack Asphalt, need to put up blinking lights/signs to mark the areas where holes are that need to be repaired, as of now they are only marking the spot with a small orange cone.

Schuyler:  He stated that there are five vacant homes near where he lives and the yards are not being mowed.  Officer in Charge Folaran, said that he would take care of it. 

VanRiper:  He asked DPW Supervisor if he was happy with Black Jack’s Asphalt.  DPW Supervisor said that he wasn’t real happy with them or their work.

Mayor Doyle:  She stated that as Chairman of the 911 Committee, our ambulances have devices on them that allow central dispatch to know where the ambulances are in relation to the current call and other ambulances.

Mike Fuja, Shiawassee County Commissioner: He stated that the Commissioners are currently working on a six month moratorium on medical marijuana growers in Shiawassee County.  The City Manager asked Mr. Fuja if there was anything that can be done about the house that is located on N. Oak Street, in Vernon Township, regarding blight.  He will check to see if Shiawassee County Ordinances can do anything regarding this home.  He will get back with the City Manager.

Mayor Doyle adjourned meeting at 8:30 p.m.




Minutes of the Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, August 2, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  Canute


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the agenda with the following deletions:

Remove #3 of the Consent Agenda and remove letter F.

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 19, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to approve the payment of bills #38420-38468.

YEAS:  Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one present.


VanRiper moved, McDonough supported to approve the consent agenda which includes the approval of the street closing request for the End of Summer Cruisin’ by the Greater Durand Area Chamber of Commerce, and the acceptance of 2 Electronic Poll Book laptop computers and equipment from the State of Michigan-Bureau of Elections.

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the Bid Awards, as follows:  Tree Trimming to Miles Tree Service of Byron, MI for $68.50 per hour and $2.00 per diameter inch for stump grinding and City Hall Replacement Windows to D&W Window, Davison MI for $2,625.00 for 7 windows.

YEAS:  Brands, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


Schuyler moved, VanRiper supported to approve the Amendment to the contract between the City of Durand and the Michigan Department of Transportation amending Contract #2009-0486, dated September 14, 2009 extending the contract for the parking lot at Durand Union Station through September 20, 2011.

YEAS: Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the amendment to the contract with Perrin Construction to include the installation of two sump pumps to address storm water drainage in the additional amount of $3,850.00 for the Russell Street reconstruction project.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to extend the existing contract with Medical Mobil Response (MMR) until June 30, 2011 and that the annual service fee remain at $48,000.00 with a September 1, 2010 payment of $24,000.00 and a March 1, 2011 payment of $24,000.00 distributed to MMR.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Brands, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


No one spoke


DPW Supervisor:  The water main is done on Russell Street and testing is currently taking place.  The sidewalk contractor is working to replace approaches to alleyways.  Pavement marking started today.

Police Department, Senior Officer Folaron:  Over the weekend the basement evidence room/ammunition room was inventoried.  We are working on renovating the evidence room.

Treasurer:  Audit starts September 27, 2010 and will last about a week.

City Attorney:  Any marijuana issues will be dealt with by following the current Zoning Code as long as they have the proper documentation.

City Manager:  There will be a council meeting on August 16, 2010 where a public hearing will be on the agenda for the Community Development Block Grant application.  We will also addressing the left hand turn lane from Kent Street to W. Main Street.  On August 8, 2010 Dan Burton will be in Durand to conduct a walkability exercise for the downtown area.  He will also cover Main Street to Trumble Park area.  Anyone interested in joining can meet at City Hall at 8:00 a.m. Organic Jam is playing this week for Wednesday Nite Live, this is Deb Love’s group.


Boggs:  Remember to vote tomorrow.

McDonough:  The street light by Ben Franklin is not operating properly.  McDonough asked if anything can be done about the curb cut at 509 Manfred Drive.  DPW Supervisor said that he would have the concrete contractor take a look at it.

VanRiper:  He had a complaint from a resident that he was awoke this morning at 6:30 a.m. by the concrete construction company cutting concrete behind his house.  Also concrete dust got on his vehicle which had to be removed immediately.  VanRiper also said there is a tree at 500 Huron Street that needs to come down.  There are only two branches left on the tree and they both hang over the street.

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m.




Minutes of the Durand City Council meeting held on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Durand City Hall.

Mayor Doyle called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.


Present:  Boggs, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

Absent:  Brands, Canute


Boggs moved, Schuyler supported to approve the agenda with the following additions: 

#3 to Consent Agenda, Re-appointment of Travis Senk to the Library Board.

#4 to Consent Agenda, Approve the MDOT Passenger Rail Resolution

Unanimously Carried.


McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 7, 2010, as presented.

Unanimously Carried.


VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to approve the payment of bills #38263-38419.

YEAS:  Boggs, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.


Harold Fremd, 6965 New Lothrop Rd. Wanted to speak about the Russell Street Special Assessment.  Mayor Doyle asked him to save his comments until that Agenda Item.

Dick Misner, 7211 E. Miller Rd. Bancroft.  Mr. Misner is the owner of Beachcraft Products located in Vernon Township.  His concerns are regarding fire protection. Although his business is located in Vernon Township, he wants Durand Fire Department to respond in the case of a fire.  The City Manager explained that because his business is not in the City limits, Vernon Township Fire Department would have to ask the City of Durand Fire Department for Mutual Aid. Councilman VanRiper suggested he take his concerns to Vernon Township.  Councilman Boggs suggested that Mr. Misner ask to be annexed in to the City, in which case the City of Durand Fire Department would provide Fire Protection.

Jim Smith, W. Oliver Street, Owosso.  Mr. Smith addressed the Council on behalf of Durand resident, Louise Hubbard.  She currently has a water bill of $1,780.00 that she is disputing.  Mr. Smith said that in May of 2008 Ms. Hubbard’s home was destroyed by fire.  At that time the water was turned off and was not turned on again for 5 months, while the house was being constructed.  After the fire, the water department attempted to gain permission to enter the home to install a new radio read meter, but due to Ms. Hubbard’s work schedule this was not possible until early spring 2010.  At that time the water department was able to determine the exact amount of water that was used for the past year and a half.  DPW Supervisor stated that the meter did have a wire that was not properly hooked up, and the City did send the meter out to be tested and it came back accurate.  DPW Supervisor said that he gave Ms. Hubbard a 30,000 gallon credit on her bill for the water used to fight the fire, which brought the bill to $1,443.00.  He also stated that he waived all late penalties and offered payment arrangements that would allow Ms. Hubbard to pay the bill over an 18 month time period. Chuck McKone, Attorney for the City of Durand stated that according to the City of Durand’s ordinance the Administration nor the City Council has the authority to reduce this bill.  The Ordinance requires that all residents be treated equally and that the bill should be paid in full.


Boggs moved, McDonough supported to approve the consent agenda which includes the list of election inspectors for the August Primary Election, the election of the MML Worker Compensation Fund Board of Directors, the re-appointment of Travis Senk to the Library Board and the MDOT Passenger Rail Resolution.

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, Schuyler supported to approve the Bid Awards as follows:  Spot Paving to Black Jack Asphalt, Burt, MI in the amounts outlined in the bid for specific paving requirements; Sidewalk Replacement to Mehay Construction, Corunna, MI for $3.20 for 4”/$3.40 for 6” and $4.60 for 10”, as outlined on the bid document; Ferric Chloride to PVS Chemical for $496.00 per dry ton.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Mayor Doyle opened the Public Hearing at 8:15 p.m. regarding the Proposed Special Assessment District: Russell Street.

Harold Fremd, 6965 New Lothrop Road.  He wanted to know who owns the property that the access road is located on.  He has been maintaining that area, because he believed it was part of his property. He also wanted to know if the City would be removing the access road and restoring it to its original condition.  City Manager said that the City would be restoring the property to its original condition once it is no longer needed for the reconstruction project.  She stated that she would look into who owned the property and get back with him.

Don Holmes, 224 Russell Street.  He was questioning why his assessment was higher than his neighbors.  The City Manager stated that the assessment was determined by the amount of frontage each resident owns.

Tammi Mayer, 218 Russell Street.  She understood that the amounts of the assessment were estimated, she wanted to know if these amount were to change after the project was completed, would she be notified?  The City Manager stated that after the project was completed there would be another public hearing with the actual/final figures.

Mayor Doyle closed the Public Hearing at 8:32 p.m.

Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to have the Council pass a resolution to complete the improvements set forth in the report to Council and defray the costs by Special Assessment upon the properties especially benefited based upon frontage.

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the payment of the invoice for membership renewal in the Michigan Municipal League at a cost of $3,127.00.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to continue the city’s participation with SATA and approve an amount not to exceed $7,487.98 as the city’s subsidy amount for SATA’s operations for fiscal year beginning October 1, 2010. 

YEAS:  VanRiper, Boggs, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, VanRiper supported to approve the Letter of Understanding between the City of Durand and Michael Tanner, amending the annual payment dates, as presented.

YEAS:  Boggs, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Schuyler supported to extend the existing contract for bio solids land application with Synagro in the amount of $0.0349 per gallon.

YEAS:  Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

VanRiper moved, McDonough supported to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Depot Site Improvements for $23,100.00 which excludes construction administration, staking and observation. 

YEAS:  McDonough, Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Mayor Doyle

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

McDonough moved, Boggs supported to approve the lease agreement with Mobil Medical Response at 306 N. Saginaw Street from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract.

YEAS:  Schuyler, VanRiper, Boggs, Mayor Doyle, McDonough

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried.

Schuyler moved, McDonough supported to approve the invoices from Lamphere Plumbing and Heating for emergency repair to the air conditioning unit at City Hall, and later to replace the air compressor within the unit.  These invoices total $5,639. 87.

YEAS:  VanRiper, Boggs, Mayor Doyle, McDonough, Schuyler

NAYS:  None

Unanimously Carried. 


Travis Senk thanked the Council for allowing him to serve four more years on the Library Board.


Police Department, Senior Officer Folaron:  “Things in the Police Department are moving along”.

DPW Supervisor:  He gave an update on the Russell Street project.  The sanitary sewer is complete and will start on the water main tomorrow. 

C2AE Engineer:  She stated that the Russell Street Project is going well and they hope to finish the project ahead of schedule.

City Attorney:  He will be looking into the railroad issue. 

City Manager:  She welcomed Rich Falaron to the front line.  Larry Porter extends his thanks for the watch he received upon his retirement last Friday.  She reminded the Council that Wednesday Nite Live is now happening.


Boggs:  Congratulations to Rich.

Schuyler:  He stated that residents have brought to his attention that kids are skate boarding in the downtown area.  Officer Falaron said that he would check into it.

VanRiper:  He asked that something be done regarding the graffiti on the old Golden Spike. 

Mayor Doyle adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.